Blog Entry:Project 1 Reflection


I really do not want to share my video outside of the class, but if I really have to, I would probably post it on YouTube. Posting my video on YouTube has the possibility of being viewed by anyone. My target audience and genre of people of people who should watch this video is any person going to college or any personnel associated with any admission’s office of any college-specifically CU Boulder.

I expect this video to be most likely be relevant to Eric’s friends and family, but posting this video out in the open. Realistically any person can view it and it can have various sense of relevance or connection to everyone viewing through the web.

What I want my audience to take out of my video is that: within life, anything is possible. Other people may just smile or be inspired or some maybe even taken back to their own experiences.No matter what, I hope that any person viewing my video will feel the emotion I wanted to display and show within retelling one of Eric’s story. In addition, I hope that I make one person per day smile or feel whatever emotion they may feel at the time that they are watching my video.

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