Blog Entry #4

Ma­chine vi­sion of “me” — Data­Self Snap­shot

By aestheticising and cognitive filter, each individual person is able to portray a different aspect of his/her self by providing various mediums of digital traces/footprints and identity to the networks and databases he/she is connected with. An interesting quote that I think ties aestheticising and cognitive filter from a “Quantified Self Movement”is  by how “Self Knowledge Through Numbers” that can shows a good representation of a person in a good way or a bad way (Rettberg, Chapter 5,p.63). However, the “quantified self movement” can also be misleading and misrepresented by whatever analyzation is being made by technology or people interpreting such technological data. From last class we talked about how dataism from technology such as sleeping tracking systems can be inaccurate with showing through data of what accounts for actual sleep/actions of a person…

A personal example of my “data portrait” is based on my recent day to day schedule from the past 48 hours is every morning after I wake up.. I usually check my school email and then browse through Instagram and Facebook then close out of these pages and go about my day. My digital footprint from this activity can be seen by my phone’s battery usage, time and Internet data I used when I log into my emails and personal account. The problem with how the quantified self movement can not perfectly identity aestheticising and cognitive filter with this routin does not easily represent my creative side as a person or my perfect viewpoint of how I want other people to see me as. The past 48 hours of my digital traces can not simply show my very complex thought process, interest, and cognitive being to constantly change and be highly affected by all sorts of things from a physical, chemical, emotional and physchological sense…







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